Friday, January 14, 2011

New year, same old purpose in life...

Everyone starts new blogs the same way. They introduce themselves, say how they hope to keep posts frequent, and try to act like the professional columnist they've never had an ounce of training to be. They also try to give their life (or at least their blog) some purpose.

I am Miss Derie. I have a busy life managing multiple projects at a relatively large company here in the Midwest and wrangling people as much as possible to get those projects done. My husband Dick has been unemployed for over a year now; his industry a casualty in this lovely economy we're living in. He's supposed to be looking for a new job, in between his computer games and video games and whatever else he can use to procrastinate.

And while he's "looking," I support the house. By the state of things, he's definitely not the Mister Mom type. Luckily the only child we have at the moment has four legs and a shaggy tail. Baby Girl has been with me longer than Dick, and listens better, but she's okay with him as long as he treats me well - well, something to do with treats... I've yet to put her loyalty to the test.

This blog's purpose, or lack thereof, should be evident by the title at the top of the page. It goes along with my life, I guess. No topic is out of bounds; although some -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- will likely reign supreme while my mind looks to find peace in a world of chaos and current events.

Do I promise to be amusing? No. Do I promise to write frequently? Hell no. Is any of the above knowledge based on fact? Well, time can only tell.

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